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This module provides runtime utilities for the Plateforme framework.

AppMap module-attribute

AppMap = Dict[str, 'Plateforme']

A dictionary mapping the application names to their respective application instance.

NamespaceMap module-attribute

NamespaceMap = Dict[str, 'Namespace']

A dictionary mapping the namespace names to their respective namespace instance.

PackageMap module-attribute

PackageMap = Dict[str, 'Package']

A dictionary mapping the package module names to their respective package instance.

ResourceMap module-attribute

ResourceMap = Dict[str, 'ResourceType | None']

A dictionary mapping the resource fully qualified names to either their respective resource type, or None if the resource is not yet resolved.

ResourceLinkMap module-attribute

ResourceLinkMap = Dict[str, Set['ResourceFieldInfo']]

A dictionary mapping the resource fully qualified names to their respective set of resource linked fields.

ResolvedState module-attribute

A literal type the for the resolved lifecycle states of a resource.

ReversibleState module-attribute

A literal type for the reversible lifecycle states of a resource.

SchedulableState module-attribute

A literal type for the lifecycle states of a resource where tasks can be scheduled for execution.

Task module-attribute

A task to be scheduled for execution.

apps module-attribute

apps: AppMap

The applications initialized in the runtime environment.

A read-only module property that returns a dictionary mapping the application names to their respective application instances.

dependencies module-attribute

dependencies: ResourceLinkMap

The resource dependencies initialized in the runtime environment.

A read-only module property that returns a dictionary mapping the fully qualified names of all resources to their weak sets of linked resource fields they rely on ("dependencies"). Essentially, this attribute tracks what linked fields each resource needs to function properly, with each linked field owner attribute being the resource itself and its name the mapping entry.

dependents module-attribute

dependents: ResourceLinkMap

The resource dependents initialized in the runtime environment.

A read-only module property that returns a dictionary mapping the fully qualified names of all resources to a weak sets of linked resource fields that rely on those ("dependents"). Essentially, this attribute tracks what linked fields will be affected if a resource is modified or made unavailable, with each linked field target attribute being the resource itself and its name the mapping entry.

namespaces module-attribute

namespaces: NamespaceMap

The namespaces initialized in the runtime environment.

A read-only module property that returns a dictionary mapping the namespace aliases to their respective namespace instances.

packages module-attribute

packages: PackageMap

The packages initialized in the runtime environment.

A read-only module property that returns a dictionary mapping the package module names to their respective package instances.

resources module-attribute

resources: ResourceMap

The resources initialized in the runtime environment.

A read-only module property that returns a weak dictionary mapping the resource fully qualified names to their respective resource type, or None if the resource is not yet resolved.

Action dataclass

    func: Callable[..., Any],
    bound: bool = False,
    args: tuple[Any, ...] = tuple(),
    kwargs: dict[str, Any] = dict(),

A class that represents an action.

This class is used to store a function with specific arguments and keyword arguments for later execution.

func class-attribute instance-attribute

func: Callable[..., Any] = field(kw_only=False)

The function to be executed.

bound class-attribute instance-attribute

bound: bool = field(default=False)

Whether the function should be bound to the first argument.

args class-attribute instance-attribute

args: tuple[Any, ...] = field(default_factory=tuple)

The positional arguments to be passed to the function.

kwargs class-attribute instance-attribute

kwargs: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)

The keyword arguments to be passed to the function.


Bases: IntEnum

An enumeration of resources lifecycle states in the runtime.

UNKNOWN class-attribute instance-attribute


The resource status is unknown and has not been set. This status is returned when the resource state of a dependency is not yet resolved.

RESOLVED class-attribute instance-attribute


The resource is resolved and waiting for initialization. This is the default state of a resource when it has been first visited and before it is initializing, i.e. when not all its resource dependencies are resolved.

INITIALIZING class-attribute instance-attribute


The resource is in its initializing transition state, its base model is built and declarative model set up, and all the resource dependencies are resolved. It will transition to the next state when all its dependencies are also in their initializing state.

LOADING class-attribute instance-attribute


The resource is in its loading transition state, its objects and schemas are loaded, i.e. the resource own defined route endpoint methods, and the specifications, schema models and services defined in its configuration are loaded. This state is set when all resource dependencies are at least in their initializing state, and will transition to the next state when all its dependencies are also in their loading state.

BUILDING class-attribute instance-attribute


The resource is in its building transition state, its model, objects, and schemas are built. The resource is waiting for all its dependencies to be also built before finalizing its schema models and type adapter setup, and be ready for use. This step is necessary to ensure that all the resource dependencies schemas are fully loaded before building its own schema models.

FINALIZING class-attribute instance-attribute


The resource is in its finalizing transition state, its schema models and type adapter build are finalized. The resource is waiting for all its dependencies to be also finalized before transitioning to the ready state.

READY class-attribute instance-attribute


The resource is built and ready for use. Tasks scheduled in this state should not make changes that could disrupt dependent resources, as this is considered a stable state where the resource is available for use.


previous() -> ReversibleState

Return the previous state of the current resource status.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def previous(self) -> 'ReversibleState':
    """Return the previous state of the current resource status."""
    enums = tuple(self.__class__)
    index = enums.index(self)
    if index <= 1:
        value = self
        value = enums[index - 1]
    return value  # type: ignore


next() -> SchedulableState

Return the next state of the current resource status.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def next(self) -> 'SchedulableState':
    """Return the next state of the current resource status."""
    enums = tuple(self.__class__)
    index = enums.index(self)
    if index == len(enums) - 1:
        value = self
        value = enums[index + 1]
    return value  # type: ignore


lower() -> tuple[ReversibleState, ...]

Return the lower states of the current resource status.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def lower(self) -> tuple['ReversibleState', ...]:
    """Return the lower states of the current resource status."""
    enums = tuple(self.__class__)
    index = enums.index(self)
    return enums[:index]  # type: ignore


higher() -> tuple[SchedulableState, ...]

Return the higher states of the current resource status.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def higher(self) -> tuple['SchedulableState', ...]:
    """Return the higher states of the current resource status."""
    enums = tuple(self.__class__)
    index = enums.index(self)
    return enums[index + 1:]  # type: ignore



A lock manager for the runtime environment registry.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    self.locks: dict[str | None, Lock] = {None: Lock()}
    self.rlocks: dict[str | None, RLock] = {None: RLock()}



The runtime environment registry internal class.


Name Type Description
instance Self | None

A reference to the singleton instance of the runtime environment registry.


A lock object to ensure that managed class instances in the runtime registry are accessed and created in a thread-safe manner.


It enforce a singleton pattern to ensure that only one instance of the runtime environment registry is created and managed throughout the program. Additionally, it provides a thread-safe mechanism to create and access managed class instances in the runtime registry.

Initialize the runtime environment registry.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """Initialize the runtime environment registry."""
    self.apps: AppMap = {}
    self.namespaces: NamespaceMap = {}
    self.packages: PackageMap = {}
    self.dependencies: ResourceLinkMap = {}
    self.dependents: ResourceLinkMap = {}
    self.resources: ResourceMap = {}


    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["links"],
    status: tuple[Lifecycle, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[ResourceFieldInfo]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["resources"],
    status: tuple[ResolvedState, ...],
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[ResourceType]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["resources"],
    status: tuple[Literal[UNKNOWN], ...],
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[str]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["resources"],
    status: tuple[Lifecycle, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[ResourceType | str]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["packages"],
    status: tuple[Lifecycle, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[Package]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["links", "resources", "packages"],
    status: tuple[Lifecycle, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> (
    | set[ResourceType | str]
    | set[ResourceType]
    | set[str]
    | set[Package]

Collect the dependencies from the provided scope.

This method returns the dependencies of the provided scope based on the specified kind. It filters the runtime dependencies class dictionary to return only the dependencies of the scope.


Name Type Description Default
scope ResourceType | Package | Sequence[ResourceType | Package]

The scope to retrieve the dependencies from. It can be a single resource class, a package, or a sequence of resource classes or packages. If a package is provided, it retrieves the dependencies of all the resource classes within the package.

kind Literal['links', 'resources', 'packages']

The kind of dependencies to retrieve. It can be one of the following values - 'links': Returns the linked field dependencies the resource classes within the scope relies on. - 'resources': Returns the resource dependencies the resource classes within the scope relies on. - 'packages': Returns the package dependencies the resource classes within the scope relies on.

_guard set[str] | None

A set of fully qualified names of resources to guard against cyclic dependencies. It is used internally to prevent infinite recursion. Defaults to an empty set.

status tuple[Lifecycle, ...] | None

The tuple of dependencies lifecycle status to filter. Note that only the 'links' and 'resources' kinds support having this argument to include Lifecycle.UNKNOWN, where for the latter, it returns a set of the fully qualified names of the unresolved resources. When set to None, it returns all the dependencies regardless of their status, except for the kind 'packages' where only resolved dependencies are returned. Defaults to None.

max_depth int | None

The maximum depth of dependencies to retrieve. If set to None, it retrieves all dependencies no matter the depth. Defaults to 1, meaning that it retrieves only the direct dependencies.



Type Description
set[ResourceFieldInfo] | set[ResourceType | str] | set[ResourceType] | set[str] | set[Package]

The specified kind dependencies of the provided scope.


Type Description

If the lifecycle status is invalid, i.e. when the filter includes Lifecycle.UNKNOWN for package dependencies.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def get_dependencies(
    scope: 'ResourceType | Package | Sequence[ResourceType | Package]',
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal['links', 'resources', 'packages'],
    status: tuple[Lifecycle, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> (
    | set['ResourceType | str'] | set['ResourceType'] | set[str]
    | set['Package']
    """Collect the dependencies from the provided scope.

    This method returns the dependencies of the provided scope based on the
    specified kind. It filters the runtime `dependencies` class dictionary to
    return only the dependencies of the scope.

        scope: The scope to retrieve the dependencies from. It can be a single
            resource class, a package, or a sequence of resource classes or
            packages. If a package is provided, it retrieves the dependencies
            of all the resource classes within the package.
        kind: The kind of dependencies to retrieve. It can be one of the
            following values
            - ``'links'``: Returns the linked field dependencies the resource
                classes within the scope relies on.
            - ``'resources'``: Returns the resource dependencies the resource
                classes within the scope relies on.
            - ``'packages'``: Returns the package dependencies the resource
                classes within the scope relies on.
        _guard: A set of fully qualified names of resources to guard against
            cyclic dependencies. It is used internally to prevent infinite
            recursion. Defaults to an empty set.
        status: The tuple of dependencies lifecycle status to filter. Note that
            only the ``'links'`` and ``'resources'`` kinds support having this
            argument to include `Lifecycle.UNKNOWN`, where for the latter, it
            returns a set of the fully qualified names of the unresolved
            resources. When set to ``None``, it returns all the dependencies
            regardless of their status, except for the kind ``'packages'``
            where only resolved dependencies are returned.
            Defaults to ``None``.
        max_depth: The maximum depth of dependencies to retrieve. If set to
            ``None``, it retrieves all dependencies no matter the depth.
            Defaults to ``1``, meaning that it retrieves only the direct

        The specified kind dependencies of the provided scope.

        ValueError: If the lifecycle status is invalid, i.e. when the
            filter includes `Lifecycle.UNKNOWN` for package dependencies.
    from .typing import get_object_name, is_resource

    # Validate lifecycle status
    if kind == 'packages' and status and Lifecycle.UNKNOWN in status:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid dependency lifecycle status filter. The provided "
            f"lifecycle status cannot target unresolved resources for package "

    # Set unresolved flag
    if kind == 'packages':
        accept_unresolved = False
    elif status is None or Lifecycle.UNKNOWN in status:
        accept_unresolved = True
        accept_unresolved = False

    # Collect resources from the specified scope
    resources: set[ResourceType] = set()
    if not isinstance(scope, Sequence):
        scope = [scope]
    for item in scope:
        if is_resource(item):
                value for value in get_resources(item) if value is not None

    # Initialize recursion guard
    _guard = set() if _guard is None else _guard

    # Helper function to walk and collect resource dependencies
    def walk_dependencies(cls: 'ResourceType', depth: int = 1) -> set[Any]:
        name = get_object_name(cls, fullname=True)
        if name in _guard:
            return set()

        # Retrieve linked field dependencies
        link_deps: set['ResourceFieldInfo'] = set()
        for link_dep in __plateforme__.dependencies.get(name, []):
            assert is not None
            if isinstance(, str):
                # Skip unresolved dependencies if specified
                if not accept_unresolved:
                # Filter by status if specified
                if status and not in status:

        # Collect dependencies based on specified kind
        walked_deps: set[Any] = set()

        if kind == 'links':

        elif kind == 'resources':
            for link_dep in link_deps:
                assert is not None
                if is cls:

        elif kind == 'packages':
            for link_dep in link_deps:
                assert is_resource(
                package_dep =
                if package_dep is cls.resource_package:

        # Collect dependencies recursively if max depth is not reached
        if max_depth and depth < max_depth:
                walk_dependencies(, depth + 1)
                for link_dep in link_deps
                if is_resource(

        return walked_deps

    # Collect dependencies based on specified kind
    dependencies: set[Any] = set()
    for resource in resources:

    return dependencies


    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["links"],
    status: tuple[ResolvedState, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[ResourceFieldInfo]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["resources"],
    status: tuple[ResolvedState, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[ResourceType]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["packages"],
    status: tuple[ResolvedState, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> set[Package]
    scope: ResourceType
    | Package
    | Sequence[ResourceType | Package],
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal["links", "resources", "packages"],
    status: tuple[ResolvedState, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> (
    | set[ResourceType]
    | set[Package]

Collect the dependents from the provided scope.

This method returns the dependents of the provided scope based on the specified kind. It filters the runtime dependents class dictionary to return only the dependents of the scope.


Name Type Description Default
scope ResourceType | Package | Sequence[ResourceType | Package]

The scope to retrieve the dependents from. It can be a single resource class, a package, or a sequence of resource classes or packages. If a package is provided, it retrieves the dependents of all the resource classes within the package.

kind Literal['links', 'resources', 'packages']

The kind of dependents to retrieve. It can be one of the following values - 'links': Returns the linked field dependents that rely on the resource classes within the scope. - 'resources': Returns the resource dependents that rely on the resource classes within the scope. - 'packages': Returns the package dependents that rely on the resource classes within the scope.

_guard set[str] | None

A set of fully qualified names of resources to guard against cyclic dependents. It is used internally to prevent infinite recursion. Defaults to an empty set.

status tuple[ResolvedState, ...] | None

The tuple of dependents lifecycle status to filter. Note that the Lifecycle.UNKNOWN status is not supported for dependents as they are always resolved when evaluated. When set to None, it returns all the dependents regardless of their status. Defaults to None.

max_depth int | None

The maximum depth of dependents to retrieve. If set to None, it retrieves all dependents no matter the depth. Defaults to 1, meaning that it retrieves only the direct dependents.



Type Description
set[ResourceFieldInfo] | set[ResourceType] | set[Package]

The specified kind dependents of the provided scope.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def get_dependents(
    scope: 'ResourceType | Package | Sequence[ResourceType | Package]',
    _guard: set[str] | None = None,
    kind: Literal['links', 'resources', 'packages'],
    status: tuple[ResolvedState, ...] | None = None,
    max_depth: int | None = 1,
) -> (
    | set['ResourceType']
    | set['Package']
    """Collect the dependents from the provided scope.

    This method returns the dependents of the provided scope based on the
    specified kind. It filters the runtime `dependents` class dictionary to
    return only the dependents of the scope.

        scope: The scope to retrieve the dependents from. It can be a single
            resource class, a package, or a sequence of resource classes or
            packages. If a package is provided, it retrieves the dependents
            of all the resource classes within the package.
        kind: The kind of dependents to retrieve. It can be one of the
            following values
            - ``'links'``: Returns the linked field dependents that rely on the
                resource classes within the scope.
            - ``'resources'``: Returns the resource dependents that rely on the
                resource classes within the scope.
            - ``'packages'``: Returns the package dependents that rely on the
                resource classes within the scope.
        _guard: A set of fully qualified names of resources to guard
            against cyclic dependents. It is used internally to prevent
            infinite recursion. Defaults to an empty set.
        status: The tuple of dependents lifecycle status to filter. Note that
            the `Lifecycle.UNKNOWN` status is not supported for dependents as
            they are always resolved when evaluated. When set to ``None``, it
            returns all the dependents regardless of their status.
            Defaults to ``None``.
        max_depth: The maximum depth of dependents to retrieve. If set to
            ``None``, it retrieves all dependents no matter the depth.
            Defaults to ``1``, meaning that it retrieves only the direct

        The specified kind dependents of the provided scope.
    from .typing import get_object_name, is_resource

    # Collect resources from the specified scope
    resources: set[ResourceType] = set()
    if not isinstance(scope, Sequence):
        scope = [scope]
    for item in scope:
        if is_resource(item):
                value for value in get_resources(item) if value is not None

    # Initialize recursion guard
    _guard = set() if _guard is None else _guard

    # Helper function to walk and collect resource dependents
    def walk_dependents(cls: 'ResourceType', depth: int = 1) -> set[Any]:
        name = get_object_name(cls, fullname=True)
        if name in _guard:
            return set()

        # Retrieve linked field dependents
        link_deps: set['ResourceFieldInfo'] = set()
        for link_dep in __plateforme__.dependents.get(name, []):
            # Filter by status if specified
            if status and link_dep.owner.__state__.status not in status:
            # Add dependent

        # Collect dependents based on specified kind
        walked_deps: set[Any] = set()

        if kind == 'links':

        elif kind == 'resources':
            for link_dep in link_deps:
                if link_dep.owner is cls:

        elif kind == 'packages':
            for link_dep in link_deps:
                package_dep = link_dep.owner.resource_package
                if package_dep is cls.resource_package:

        # Collect dependents recursively if max depth is not reached
        if max_depth and depth < max_depth:
                walk_dependents(link_dep.owner, depth + 1)
                for link_dep in link_deps

        return walked_deps

    # Collect dependents based on specified kind
    dependents: set[Any] = set()
    for resource in resources:

    return dependents


    scope: Package | Sequence[Package] | None = None,
) -> set[ResourceType]

Collect the resources within the specified scope.

A method that filters the runtime resources class dictionary with the provided scope to return only the matching resources.


Name Type Description Default
scope Package | Sequence[Package] | None

The scope to retrieve the resources from. It can be a package, a sequence of packages, or None to retrieve all the resources. Defaults to None.



Type Description

The resources within the specified scope.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def get_resources(
    scope: 'Package | Sequence[Package] | None' = None,
) -> set['ResourceType']:
    """Collect the resources within the specified scope.

    A method that filters the runtime `resources` class dictionary with the
    provided scope to return only the matching resources.

        scope: The scope to retrieve the resources from. It can be a package,
            a sequence of packages, or ``None`` to retrieve all the resources.
            Defaults to ``None``.

        The resources within the specified scope.
    if scope and not isinstance(scope, Sequence):
        scope = [scope]

    return set(
        for resource in __plateforme__.resources.values()
        if resource is not None and (
            scope is None or resource.resource_package in scope


    name: str, *, create_if_missing: bool = False
) -> Namespace

Import a namespace.

It resolves the namespace name to either an existing namespace instance, or creates a new namespace with the specified name if it is not available in the runtime environment and create_if_missing flag is set to True.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the namespace to be resolved.

create_if_missing bool

When set to True, creates a new namespace with the specified name if it is not available in the runtime environment. If False, the function raises an error for non-existent namespaces. Defaults to False.



Type Description

The namespace instance associated with the specified name.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def import_namespace(
    name: str, *, create_if_missing : bool = False,
) -> 'Namespace':
    """Import a namespace.

    It resolves the namespace name to either an existing namespace instance, or
    creates a new namespace with the specified name if it is not available in
    the runtime environment and `create_if_missing` flag is set to ``True``.

        name: The name of the namespace to be resolved.
        create_if_missing: When set to ``True``, creates a new namespace with
            the specified name if it is not available in the runtime
            environment. If ``False``, the function raises an error for
            non-existent namespaces. Defaults to ``False``.

        The namespace instance associated with the specified name.
    from .namespaces import Namespace

    with __plateforme__.lock('namespaces', reentrant=True):
        if name in __plateforme__.namespaces:
            return __plateforme__.namespaces[name]

        if not create_if_missing:
            raise ImportError(
                f"Namespace {name!r} is not available in the runtime "
                f"environment. Consider using `create_if_missing=True` to "
                f"create a new namespace."

        # Create namespace instance
        namespace = Namespace(name)
        __plateforme__.namespaces[name] = namespace

    return namespace


    name: str, context: Plateforme | None = None
) -> NamespaceImpl

Import a namespace implementation.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the namespace implementation to be resolved.

context Plateforme | None

The application context to use for the namespace implementation. Defaults to None.



Type Description

The namespace implementation associated with the specified name and


application context.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def import_namespace_impl(
    name: str, context: 'Plateforme | None' = None
) -> 'NamespaceImpl':
    """Import a namespace implementation.

        name: The name of the namespace implementation to be resolved.
        context: The application context to use for the namespace
            implementation. Defaults to ``None``.

        The namespace implementation associated with the specified name and
        application context.
    namespace = import_namespace(name)

    if context not in namespace._impls:
        raise ImportError(
            f"Namespace {!r} does not have an implementation "
            f"for the context provided {str(context)!r}."

    return namespace._impls[context]


    name: str,
    module: str | None = None,
    force_resolution: bool = False,
    raise_warnings: bool = True,
) -> Package

Import the package from the specified module name.

When the module name is not recognized as a valid package module name, it raises an error if the resolution is not forced. Otherwise, it tries to resolve the specified module name to a valid one (i.e. a parent module that defines a project configuration file).


Name Type Description Default
name str

The exact name of the package module to be resolved.

module str | None

The module to use as the anchor point for relative imports.

force_resolution bool

When set to True, forces the resolution of an unrecognized module name to a valid package module name. If False, the function raises an error for invalid names. Defaults to False.

raise_warnings bool

Whether to log warnings when invalid package configurations are encountered. Defaults to True.



Type Description

The package instance associated with the specified module name.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def import_package(
    name: str,
    module: str | None = None,
    force_resolution: bool = False,
    raise_warnings: bool = True,
) -> 'Package':
    """Import the package from the specified module name.

    When the module name is not recognized as a valid package module name, it
    raises an error if the resolution is not forced. Otherwise, it tries to
    resolve the specified module name to a valid one (i.e. a parent module that
    defines a project configuration file).

        name: The exact name of the package module to be resolved.
        module: The module to use as the anchor point for relative imports.
        force_resolution: When set to ``True``, forces the resolution of an
            unrecognized module name to a valid package module name. If
            ``False``, the function raises an error for invalid names.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        raise_warnings: Whether to log warnings when invalid package
            configurations are encountered. Defaults to ``True``.

        The package instance associated with the specified module name.
    from .modules import (
    from .packages import Package
    from .projects import import_project_info

    # Helper function to collect projects information
    def collect_info(
        mod: ModuleType, only_package: bool = False
    ) -> list['ProjectInfo']:
        projects: list['ProjectInfo'] = []
        for path in resolve_file_paths(mod):
                project = import_project_info(
                    path, force_resolution='.' not in mod.__name__,
                if (
                    not only_package
                    or path.endswith('config.toml')
                    or bool(project.package)
            except (
            ) as error:
                raise error
            except FileNotFoundError:
        return projects

    # Validate module name
    if module:
        module = module.rpartition('.')[0]
        if not module:
            name = name.lstrip('.')

    # Import package module
    package_module = import_module(
        name, package=module, force_resolution=force_resolution,

    # Update name for proxy modules
    name = getattr(package_module, '__name__', name)

    # Handle invalid package module
    if not is_package(package_module, allow_root=True):
        # Recursively resolve parent package if forced
        if not force_resolution:
            raise ImportError(
                f"Invalid package module name {name!r}. The module is not a "
                f"valid package.",
        return import_package(

    with __plateforme__.lock('packages', reentrant=True):
        # Check if package is already imported
        package_name = getattr(package_module, '__package__', None)
        package_name = package_name or get_root_module_name()
        if package_name in __plateforme__.packages:
            return __plateforme__.packages[package_name]

        # Collect and validate project information
        projects = collect_info(package_module)

        if len(projects) > 1:
            raise ImportError(
                f"Multiple package configurations found for package module "
                f"{name!r}. Make sure the module defines only one "
                f"configuration, either a `config.toml` or `pyproject.toml` "
        elif len(projects) == 1:
            project = projects[0]
            parent_name = name.rpartition('.')[0]
            if parent_name:
                if force_resolution:
                    # Recursively resolve parent module
                    return import_package(
                raise ImportError(
                    f"Could not find configuration for package module "
                    f"{name!r}. Make sure the module defines either a "
                    f"`config.toml` or `pyproject.toml` file when it's not a "
                    f"top-level module.",
            project = None

        # Warn if package configurations are defined in parent module
        if raise_warnings:
            parts = name.split('.')
            for i in range(len(parts) - 1, 0, -1):
                parent_name = '.'.join(parts[:i])
                    warns = False
                    parent_module = import_module(parent_name)
                    parent_projects = \
                        collect_info(parent_module, only_package=True)
                except Exception:
                    warns = True
                if warns or parent_projects:
                        f"One or more package configurations are defined in "
                        f"parent module {parent_name!r} of package module "

        # Parse project information
        if project is None:
            package = Package(package_name, package_module)
            package = Package(

        # Create package instance
        __plateforme__.packages[package_name] = package

    return package


    name: str, context: Plateforme | None = None
) -> PackageImpl

Import a package module name implementation.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The exact name of the package module to be resolved.

context Plateforme | None

The application context to use for the package implementation. Defaults to None.



Type Description

The package implementation associated with the specified module name


and application context.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def import_package_impl(
    name: str,
    context: 'Plateforme | None' = None,
) -> 'PackageImpl':
    """Import a package module name implementation.

        name: The exact name of the package module to be resolved.
        context: The application context to use for the package implementation.
            Defaults to ``None``.

        The package implementation associated with the specified module name
        and application context.
    package = import_package(name)

    if context not in package._impls:
        raise ImportError(
            f"Package {!r} does not have an implementation "
            f"for the context {str(context)!r}."

    return package._impls[context]


clear_cache() -> None

Clear the runtime cache for debugging and testing purposes.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def clear_cache() -> None:
    """Clear the runtime cache for debugging and testing purposes."""
    # Clear packages
    for package in __plateforme__.packages.values():

    # Clear namespaces
    for namespace in __plateforme__.namespaces.values():


info() -> str

Prints detailed information about the runtime environment.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def info() -> str:
    """Prints detailed information about the runtime environment."""
    from .. import framework

    def build_info(key: str, registry: dict[Any, Any]) -> tuple[str, str]:
        return (
            ' '.join(repr(name) for name in registry.keys())

    info = [
        build_info('namespaces', __plateforme__.namespaces),
        build_info('packages', __plateforme__.packages),
        build_info('resources', __plateforme__.resources),

    return (
        + '\n\n'
        + '\n'.join(
            '{:>30} {}'.format(key, str(value).replace('\n', ' '))
            for key, value in info