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This module provides utilities to interact with Python patterns such as regular expressions within the Plateforme framework.

CHAR_MARK module-attribute

CHAR_MARK = '\ue000'

A special character used as a placeholder for string transformations.

CHAR_SEP module-attribute

CHAR_SEP = '\ue001'

A special character used as a separator for string transformations.

EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH module-attribute


The maximum accepted length for an email address.

WILDCARD module-attribute


The wildcard entry name used for selection assignments.

BracketType module-attribute

BracketType = Literal['all', 'curly', 'round', 'square']

A type alias used for bracket removal options.


Bases: StrEnum

A enumeration of regex patterns used within the Plateforme framework.

ALIAS class-attribute instance-attribute

ALIAS = '^[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:_[a-z\\d]+)*$'

Pattern for validating aliases.

It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by lowercase letters or digits. Underscores can be used to separate words within the name.

ALIAS_EXP class-attribute instance-attribute

ALIAS_EXP = '^[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:_[a-z\\d]+)*\\*?$'

Pattern for validating alias expressions.

It is the same as the ALIAS pattern but allows an optional expression spread symbol character '*' at the end of the name, which is used to indicate list expansion.

ASSIGNMENT class-attribute instance-attribute

ASSIGNMENT = "^(?:([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\\d]*(?:_[a-zA-Z\\d]+)*)=)?(\\?|.+)$"

Pattern for validating a selector assignment.

It can be prefixed with a case-insensitive version of an assignment alias matching the ALIAS pattern followed by an equal character. The assignment value can contain any character other than newline. Optionally, the value can be a question mark '?' to represent a deferred value that should be inferred when resolving the selection.

It captures the selection assignment in two groups: 1. alias (optional): The selection assignment alias. 2. value: The selection assignment value, or '?' for deferred one.

EMAIL_FORMATTED class-attribute instance-attribute

EMAIL_FORMATTED = _build_email_formatted_pattern()

Pattern for validating formatted email addresses.

It captures the email address in three groups: 1. unquoted_name (optional): The unquoted email address name. 2. quoted_name (optional): The quoted email address name. 3. email: The email address in angle brackets without leading and trailing spaces.

EMAIL_PLAIN class-attribute instance-attribute


Pattern for validating plain email addresses.

It captures the email address in two groups: 1. username: The email address username. 2. domain: The email address domain.

ENGINE_SCHEME class-attribute instance-attribute

ENGINE_SCHEME = '^((\\w+)(?:\\+(\\w+))?)$'

Pattern for validating database engine URL schemes.

It captures and validates the scheme part of the connection string and with the dialect and driver parts separated in groups. The capturing groups are as follows:

  1. scheme: The full scheme string including both dialect and driver parts (e.g. mysql+aiomysql where mysql is the dialect part and aiomysql is the driver part).

  2. dialect: The dialect part of the database scheme (e.g. mysql in mysql+aiomysql).

  3. driver (optional): The driver part of the database scheme, if present (e.g. aiomysql in mysql+aiomysql).

ENGINE_ADDRESS class-attribute instance-attribute


Pattern for validating database engine URL addresses.

It captures and validates the address part of the connection string with the username, password, host, port, and database separated in groups. The capturing groups are as follows:

  1. username (optional): The username for database authentication (e.g. user in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  2. password (optional): The password for database authentication (e.g. password in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  3. host (optional): The hostname or IP address of the database server (e.g. localhost in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  4. port (optional): The port number for the database server, if specified (e.g. 5432 in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  5. database: The name or path of the database to connect to (e.g. dbname in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

ENGINE class-attribute instance-attribute

ENGINE = "^((\\w+)(?:\\+(\\w+))?):\\/\\/(?:(\\w+):(\\w+)@)?(?:(\\w+)(?::(\\w+))?)?\\/(.+)$"

Pattern for validating database engine URLs.

It captures and validates the whole connection string and each of its parts in separate groups. The capturing groups are as follows:

  1. scheme: The full scheme string including both dialect and driver parts (e.g. mysql+aiomysql where mysql is the dialect part and aiomysql is the driver part).

  2. dialect: The dialect part of the database scheme (e.g. mysql in mysql+aiomysql).

  3. driver (optional): The driver part of the database scheme, if present (e.g. aiomysql in mysql+aiomysql).

  4. username (optional): The username for database authentication (e.g. user in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  5. password (optional): The password for database authentication (e.g. password in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  6. host (optional): The hostname or IP address of the database server (e.g. localhost in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  7. port (optional): The port number for the database server, if specified (e.g. 5432 in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

  8. database: The name or path of the database to connect to (e.g. dbname in user:password@localhost:5432/dbname).

LANGUAGE class-attribute instance-attribute

LANGUAGE = '^[a-zA-Z]{2}(?:-[a-zA-Z]{2})?$'

Pattern for validating language codes.

It should start with two letters, followed by a hyphen and two more letters (optional). It enforces the language code to follow the ISO 639-1 standard.

MODULE class-attribute instance-attribute


Pattern for validating module names.

It should start with a letter or an underscore, followed by letters, digits or underscores. Module segments can be separated by dots while underscores can be used within each segment to separate words.

NAME class-attribute instance-attribute

NAME = "^[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:_[a-z\\d]+)*(?:\\.[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:_[a-z\\d]+)*)*$"

Pattern for validating names.

It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by lowercase letters or digits. Segments of the name can be separated by dots while underscores can be used within each segment to separate words.

NAME_EXP class-attribute instance-attribute

NAME_EXP = "^[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:_[a-z\\d]+)*\\*?(?:\\.[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:_[a-z\\d]+)*\\*?)*$"

Pattern for validating name expressions.

It is the same as the NAME pattern but allows an optional expression spread symbol character '*' at the end of each segment, which is used to indicate list expansion.

PATH class-attribute instance-attribute

PATH = "^\\/[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:-[a-z\\d]+)*(?:\\/(?:[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:-[a-z\\d]+)*|\\{[a-z_][a-z\\d]*(?:_[a-z\\d]+)*\\}))*$"

Pattern for validating paths.

It should start with a slash and then for each segment a lowercase letter, followed by lowercase letters or digits. Path segments can be separated by slashes while hyphens can be used within each segment to separate words. Optionally segments can be enclosed in curly braces for path parameters, where the parameter name should start with a lowercase letter or an underscore, followed by letters, digits or underscores.

SLUG class-attribute instance-attribute

SLUG = '^[a-z][a-z\\d]*(?:-[a-z\\d]+)*$'

Pattern for validating slugs.

It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by lowercase letters or digits. Hyphens can be used to separate words within the slug.

TITLE class-attribute instance-attribute

TITLE = "^[A-Z][a-zA-Z\\d]*(?:-[a-zA-Z\\d]+)*(?:(?:\\s|\\s-\\s)[a-zA-Z\\d]+(?:-[a-zA-Z\\d]+)*)*$"

Pattern for validating titles.

It should start with an uppercase letter, followed by any alphanumeric characters that can be separated by a hyphen. Additional words are separated by spaces, where hyphens can be used to separate parts of the title. More information can be found for the title case format standard at

VERSION class-attribute instance-attribute

VERSION = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+))?(?:\\.(\\d+))?(?:\\-([a-z]+\\d*))?$"

Pattern for validating version numbers.

It should start with a number, followed by a dot and another number (optional), followed by a hyphen and a string of lowercase letters and zero or more digits (optional).

It captures the version information in four groups:

  1. major: The major version number.
  2. minor (optional): The minor version number.
  3. patch (optional): The patch version number.
  4. tag (optional): The version tag, e.g. alpha1, beta2, etc.


match_any_pattern(string: str, *patterns: str) -> bool

Check if the input string matches any of the provided patterns.

This function iterates through a list of patterns and checks if the input string matches any of them from start to end. Each pattern is anchored to the start and end of the string to ensure a full match.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to be checked against the patterns.

*patterns str

Variable length argument list of string patterns.



Type Description

True if the string matches any of the provided patterns, False



Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def match_any_pattern(string: str, *patterns: str) -> bool:
    """Check if the input string matches any of the provided patterns.

    This function iterates through a list of patterns and checks if the input
    string matches any of them from start to end. Each pattern is anchored to
    the start and end of the string to ensure a full match.

        string: The string to be checked against the patterns.
        *patterns: Variable length argument list of string patterns.

        ``True`` if the string matches any of the provided patterns, ``False``
    for pattern in patterns:
        pattern = r'^' + pattern + r'$'
        if, string):
            return True
    return False


parse_email(string: str) -> tuple[str | None, str]

Parse a string containing a formatted email address into a tuple.

It parses an email address that is either plain or formatted as a name followed by an email address in angle brackets. The email address is validated against the EMAIL_FORMATTED and EMAIL_PLAIN patterns.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string containing the email address to parse.



Type Description
tuple[str | None, str]

A tuple containing the parsed email address name and email address.


Spaces are striped from the beginning and end of addresses.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def parse_email(string: str) -> tuple[str | None, str]:
    """Parse a string containing a formatted email address into a tuple.

    It parses an email address that is either plain or formatted as a name
    followed by an email address in angle brackets. The email address is
    validated against the ``EMAIL_FORMATTED`` and ``EMAIL_PLAIN`` patterns.

        string: The string containing the email address to parse.

        A tuple containing the parsed email address name and email address.

        Spaces are striped from the beginning and end of addresses.
    # Validate email length
    if len(string) > EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Email address exceeds the maximum length of {EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH} "
            f"characters. Got: {string!r}."

    # Try to match the email formatted pattern
    if match := re.match(RegexPattern.EMAIL_FORMATTED, string):
        unquoted_name, quoted_name, email = match.groups()
        return unquoted_name or quoted_name, email
    # Try to match the plain email pattern
    if match := re.match(RegexPattern.EMAIL_PLAIN, string):
        return None, string

    raise ValueError(
        f"Invalid email address format, expected `name <email>` or plain "
        f"`email` format. Got: {string!r}."


parse_selection_assignment(string: str) -> tuple[str, Any]

Parse a string containing a selection assignment into a tuple.

It parses a selection assignment that is formatted either as an alias followed by an equal character and a value alias=value, or just a value. The assignment alias is case-insensitive and parsed as a lowercase string, while the value can be any string other than a newline character. Optionally, the value can be a question mark '?' to represent a deferred value that should be inferred when resolving the selection, it is replaced with a Deferred object.

In addition, the alias is optional and can be omitted, in which case the wildcard character * is returned as the alias.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string containing the selection assignment to parse.



Type Description
tuple[str, Any]

A tuple containing the parsed selection assignment alias and value.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def parse_selection_assignment(string: str) -> tuple[str, Any]:
    """Parse a string containing a selection assignment into a tuple.

    It parses a selection assignment that is formatted either as an alias
    followed by an equal character and a value ``alias=value``, or just a
    value. The assignment alias is case-insensitive and parsed as a lowercase
    string, while the value can be any string other than a newline character.
    Optionally, the value can be a question mark ``'?'`` to represent a
    deferred value that should be inferred when resolving the selection, it is
    replaced with a ``Deferred`` object.

    In addition, the alias is optional and can be omitted, in which case the
    wildcard character ``*`` is returned as the alias.

        string: The string containing the selection assignment to parse.

        A tuple containing the parsed selection assignment alias and value.
    # Retrieve the selection assignment alias and value
    assignment = re.match(RegexPattern.ASSIGNMENT, string)
    if not assignment:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid selection assignment format, expected `alias=value` or "
            f"`value` format. Got: {string!r}."

    # Parse the selection assignment alias and value
    alias, value = assignment.groups()
    alias = WILDCARD if alias is None else alias.lower()
    value = Deferred if value == '?' else value

    return alias, value


    string: str, *, separator: str = ";"
) -> dict[str, Any]

Parse a string containing selection assignments into a dictionary.

It parses a composite selection that is formatted as a list of selection assignments separated by a specified separator (by default a semicolons ';'). Each selection assignment alias and value are parsed using the regular expression pattern ASSIGNMENT (see the function parse_selection_assignment for more details). Only one wildcard selection assignment *, i.e. a selection assignment without an alias, is allowed in the selection assignments string.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string containing the selection assignments to parse.

separator str

The separator used to split the selection assignments. Defaults to a semicolon ';'.



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

A base selection dictionary containing the parsed selection assignments

dict[str, Any]

where a wildcard alias '*'is used for assignments without an alias

dict[str, Any]

and values '?' replaced with Deferred.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def parse_selection(
    string: str, *, separator: str = ';'
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Parse a string containing selection assignments into a dictionary.

    It parses a composite selection that is formatted as a list of selection
    assignments separated by a specified separator (by default a semicolons
    ``';'``). Each selection assignment alias and value are parsed using the
    regular expression pattern ``ASSIGNMENT`` (see the function
    `parse_selection_assignment` for more details). Only one wildcard selection
    assignment ``*``, i.e. a selection assignment without an alias, is allowed
    in the selection assignments string.

        string: The string containing the selection assignments to parse.
        separator: The separator used to split the selection assignments.
            Defaults to a semicolon ``';'``.

        A base selection dictionary containing the parsed selection assignments
        where a wildcard alias ``'*'``is used for assignments without an alias
        and values ``'?'`` replaced with ``Deferred``.
    selection = {}

    assignments = string.split(separator)
    for assignment in assignments:
        # Retrieve selection assignment alias and value
        alias, value = parse_selection_assignment(assignment)

        # Check for duplicate selection assignment aliases
        if alias in selection:
            raise KeyError(
                f"Duplicate selection assignment aliases found for {alias!r} "
                f"in selection {string!r}."

        # Add the parsed selection assignment to the dictionary
        selection[alias] = value

    return selection


pluralize(string: str) -> str

Convert a singular string to its plural form.

It's a simple pluralization function that handles common English pluralization patterns. The function is not perfect and may not cover all edge cases, but it should work well for most common words.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The singular string to pluralize.



Type Description

The pluralized form of the input string.


>>> pluralize('user')      # -> users
>>> pluralize('box')       # -> boxes
>>> pluralize('category')  # -> categories
>>> pluralize('day')       # -> days
>>> pluralize('leaf')      # -> leaves
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def pluralize(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert a singular string to its plural form.

    It's a simple pluralization function that handles common English
    pluralization patterns. The function is not perfect and may not cover all
    edge cases, but it should work well for most common words.

        string: The singular string to pluralize.

        The pluralized form of the input string.

        >>> pluralize('user')      # -> users
        >>> pluralize('box')       # -> boxes
        >>> pluralize('category')  # -> categories
        >>> pluralize('day')       # -> days
        >>> pluralize('leaf')      # -> leaves
    # Handle words ending in "s", "sh", "ch", "x", and "z" -> add "es"
    if string.lower().endswith(('s', 'sh', 'ch', 'x', 'z')):
        return string + 'es'

    # Handle words ending in "f" or "fe" -> replace with "ves"
    if string.lower().endswith(('f', 'fe')):
        if string.lower().endswith('fe'):
            return string[:-2] + 'ves'
        return string[:-1] + 'ves'

    # Handle words ending in "y"
    if string.lower().endswith('y'):
        # If "y" is preceded by a consonant -> replace with "ies"
        if len(string) > 1 and string[-2].lower() not in 'aeiou':
            return string[:-1] + 'ies'
        # If "y" is preceded by a vowel -> add "s"
        return string + 's'

    # Default -> add "s"
    return string + 's'


to_camel_case(string: str) -> str

Convert a string to camel case.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to convert.



Type Description

The converted string to camel case.


>>> to_camel_case('camel case example')
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def to_camel_case(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert a string to camel case.

        string: The string to convert.

        The converted string to camel case.

        >>> to_camel_case('camel case example')
    s = string
    s = re.sub(r'[\s\-\_]', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(r'(?<![\.\/\\])(?=[A-Z][a-z\d]+)', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(rf'^{CHAR_SEP}+|{CHAR_SEP}+$', '', s)
    s = re.sub(rf'{CHAR_SEP}+(.)', lambda m:, s)
    return ''.join([s[0].lower(), s[1:]])


to_kebab_case(string: str) -> str

Convert a string to kebab case.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to convert.



Type Description

The converted string to kebab case.


>>> to_kebab_case('kebab case example')
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def to_kebab_case(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert a string to kebab case.

        string: The string to convert.

        The converted string to kebab case.

        >>> to_kebab_case('kebab case example')
    s = string
    s = re.sub(r'[\s\-\_]', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(r'(?<![\.\/\\])(?=[A-Z][a-z\d]+)', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(rf'^{CHAR_SEP}+|{CHAR_SEP}+$', '', s)
    s = re.sub(rf'{CHAR_SEP}+', '-', s)
    return s.lower()


to_pascal_case(string: str) -> str

Convert a string to pascal case.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to convert.



Type Description

The converted string to pascal case.


>>> to_pascal_case('pascal case example')
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def to_pascal_case(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert a string to pascal case.

        string: The string to convert.

        The converted string to pascal case.

        >>> to_pascal_case('pascal case example')
    s = string
    s = re.sub(r'[\s\-\_]', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(r'(?<![\.\/\\])(?=[A-Z][a-z\d]+)', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(rf'^{CHAR_SEP}+|{CHAR_SEP}+$', '', s)
    s = re.sub(rf'{CHAR_SEP}+(.)', lambda m:, s)
    return ''.join([s[0].upper(), s[1:]])


to_snake_case(string: str) -> str

Convert a string to snake case.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to convert.



Type Description

The converted string to snake case.


>>> to_snake_case('snake case example')
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def to_snake_case(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert a string to snake case.

        string: The string to convert.

        The converted string to snake case.

        >>> to_snake_case('snake case example')
    s = string
    s = re.sub(r'[\s\-\_]', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(r'(?<![\.\/\\])(?=[A-Z][a-z\d]+)', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(rf'^{CHAR_SEP}+|{CHAR_SEP}+$', '', s)
    s = re.sub(rf'{CHAR_SEP}+', '_', s)
    return s.lower()


to_title_case(string: str) -> str

Convert a string to title case.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to convert.



Type Description

The converted string to title case.


>>> to_title_case('title_case_example')
'Title Case Example'
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def to_title_case(string: str) -> str:
    """Convert a string to title case.

        string: The string to convert.

        The converted string to title case.

        >>> to_title_case('title_case_example')
        'Title Case Example'
    s = string
    s = re.sub(r'[\s\-\_]', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(r'(?<![\.\/\\])(?=[A-Z][a-z\d]+)', CHAR_SEP, s)
    s = re.sub(rf'^{CHAR_SEP}+|{CHAR_SEP}+$', '', s)
    s = re.sub(rf'{CHAR_SEP}+', ' ', s)
    return s.title()


    string: str,
    *brackets_handlers: tuple[
        BracketType | set[BracketType],
        Callable[[str], str] | None,
) -> str

Convert a string to name case.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to convert.

*brackets_handlers tuple[BracketType | set[BracketType], Callable[[str], str] | None]

List of brackets handler tuples containing the type of brackets for which the enclosed content should be processed and the processor function to apply on the enclosed content. The options for brackets are 'all', 'curly', 'round', and 'square'. If a set is provided, all brackets in the set will be processed. The processor function should accept a string argument and return a string. If set to None, the enclosed content will be removed from the string.



Type Description

The converted string to name case.


>>> to_name_case('name-case/example')
>>> to_name_case('NameCase[Example]', ('square', None))
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def to_name_case(
    string: str,
    *brackets_handlers: tuple[
        BracketType | set[BracketType], Callable[[str], str] | None
) -> str:
    """Convert a string to name case.

        string: The string to convert.
        *brackets_handlers: List of brackets handler tuples containing the type
            of brackets for which the enclosed content should be processed and
            the processor function to apply on the enclosed content. The
            options for brackets are ``'all'``, ``'curly'``, ``'round'``, and
            ``'square'``. If a set is provided, all brackets in the set will be
            processed. The processor function should accept a string argument
            and return a string. If set to ``None``, the enclosed content will
            be removed from the string.

        The converted string to name case.

        >>> to_name_case('name-case/example')
        >>> to_name_case('NameCase[Example]', ('square', None))
    replacements: list[str] = []
    for brackets, processor in brackets_handlers:
        string, replacements = _build_brackets_replacements(
    s = string
    s = to_snake_case(s)
    s = re.sub(r'[\/\\]', '.', s)
    for count, replacement in enumerate(replacements):
        s = s.replace(f'{CHAR_MARK}{count}{CHAR_MARK}', replacement)
    return s


    string: str,
    *brackets_handlers: tuple[
        BracketType | set[BracketType],
        Callable[[str], str] | None,
) -> str

Convert a string to path case.


Name Type Description Default
string str

The string to convert.

*brackets_handlers tuple[BracketType | set[BracketType], Callable[[str], str] | None]

List of brackets handler tuples containing the type of brackets for which the enclosed content should be processed and the processor function to apply on the enclosed content. The options for brackets are 'all', 'curly', 'round', and 'square'. If a set is provided, all brackets in the set will be processed. The processor function should accept a string argument and return a string. If set to None, the enclosed content will be removed from the string.



Type Description

The converted string to path case.


>>> to_path_case('path_case.example')
>>> to_path_case('PathCase[Example]', ('square', None))
Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def to_path_case(
    string: str,
    *brackets_handlers: tuple[
        BracketType | set[BracketType], Callable[[str], str] | None
) -> str:
    """Convert a string to path case.

        string: The string to convert.
        *brackets_handlers: List of brackets handler tuples containing the type
            of brackets for which the enclosed content should be processed and
            the processor function to apply on the enclosed content. The
            options for brackets are ``'all'``, ``'curly'``, ``'round'``, and
            ``'square'``. If a set is provided, all brackets in the set will be
            processed. The processor function should accept a string argument
            and return a string. If set to ``None``, the enclosed content will
            be removed from the string.

        The converted string to path case.

        >>> to_path_case('path_case.example')
        >>> to_path_case('PathCase[Example]', ('square', None))
    replacements: list[str] = []
    for brackets, processor in brackets_handlers:
        string, replacements = _build_brackets_replacements(
    s = string
    s = to_kebab_case(s)
    s = re.sub(r'\.\\', '/', s)
    for count, replacement in enumerate(replacements):
        s = s.replace(f'{CHAR_MARK}{count}{CHAR_MARK}', replacement)
    return s


This module defines classes for enhanced representation of objects within the Plateforme framework. It provides more debugging and logging readability.

The Representation class is a mixin providing customized __str__, __repr__, __pretty__, and __rich_repr__ methods for detailed and formatted object display, compatible with devtools and rich libraries.

The PlainRepresentation class is a string subclass where the representation excludes quotes, ideal for creating Python-compatible string outputs.

ReprArgs module-attribute

ReprArgs = Iterable[tuple[str | None, Any]]

A type alias for arguments representation.

ReprRich module-attribute

ReprRich = Iterable[
    | tuple[Any]
    | tuple[str, Any]
    | tuple[str, Any, Any]

A type alias for rich representation.


Representation(**kwargs: Any)

Initialize the instance dictionary with the provided keyword arguments.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def __init__(self, /, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    Initialize the instance dictionary with the provided keyword arguments.
    self.__dict__ = kwargs


Bases: str

A plain representation of a string.

String class where representation doesn't include quotes. Useful with Representation when you want to return a string representation of an object that is valid (or pseudo-valid) python.