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This module contains utilities for managing environment variables and files within the Plateforme framework.

The Environment class simplifies the management of environment variables, it offers methods to load variables from dictionaries and files, set and retrieve environment variables with support for default values and type casting, and delete variables. It also ensures that variable names adhere to valid patterns and provides internal mechanisms to avoid circular references when resolving proxy variables. Additionally, the class includes methods for casting environment variables to specific data types such as boolean, bytes, dictionaries, floats, integers, JSON, lists, sets, strings, tuples, and URLs.


Initialize with optional environment mode and variables:

>>> from plateforme import Environment
>>> env = Environment(mode='dev', variables={'TITLE': 'My Plateforme'})

Retrieve an environment variable with optional casting and default:

>>> debug = env.get_variable('DEBUG', default=True, cast=bool)
>>> print(debug)

Set an environment variable:

>>> env.set_variable('DEBUG', 'False')
>>> print(env.get_variable('DEBUG'))

Delete an environment variable:

>>> env.delete_variable('DEBUG')
>>> print(env.get_variable('DEBUG', default=None))

This demonstrates the basic functionality of getting, setting, and deleting environment variables using the Environment class. Note that changes to environment variables using set_variable and delete_variable will affect the environment for the current process and any new child processes spawned after the change.


It loads environment files using the external library python-dotenv.


    mode: str | None = None,
    files: list[str] | None = None,
    variables: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
    encoding: str | None = "utf-8",
    overwrite: bool = False,

Bases: Iterable[str]

An environment class to manage environment variables and files.


>>> from plateforme import Environment
>>> env = Environment()

The environment class can be used as a namespace to get, set and delete environment variables. Initializing the environment class will load the environment variables from the os environment, the .env common file and the .env.{mode} specific mode file, where {mode} is the environment mode (e.g. dev, development, prod, production, etc.), found in the process root directory.

Initialize the environment.


Name Type Description Default
mode str | None

The environment mode. If the mode is not provided, the environment mode will be loaded with the value of the PLATEFORME_ENV environment variable, or development if it is not set.

files list[str] | None

The default environment files to load. The files will be loaded in the order they are provided, from lowest to highest priority. Defaults to None.

variables dict[str, str | None] | None

The default environment variables to load. Defaults to None.

encoding str | None

The encoding of the environment files to load. Defaults to utf-8.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in the namespace with the same key. The overwrite parameter is used to determine whether to overwrite existing environment variables in the namespace with the same key. If the overwrite parameter is set to True, as a side effect, the environment variables loading order priority will be reversed. Defaults to False.


The environment variables will be loaded with the following order priority (from highest to lowest): - The os environment variables - The environment .env.{mode} specific mode file - The environment .env common file - The default environment files provided in the constructor - The default environment variables provided in the constructor

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def __init__(
    mode: str | None = None,
    files: list[str] | None = None,
    variables: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
    encoding: str | None = 'utf-8',
    overwrite: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Initialize the environment.

        mode: The environment mode. If the mode is not provided, the
            environment mode will be loaded with the value of the
            ``PLATEFORME_ENV`` environment variable, or ``development`` if
            it is not set.
        files: The default environment files to load. The files will be
            loaded in the order they are provided, from lowest to highest
            priority. Defaults to ``None``.
        variables: The default environment variables to load.
            Defaults to ``None``.
        encoding: The encoding of the environment files to load. Defaults
            to ``utf-8``.
        overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in
            the namespace with the same key. The overwrite parameter is
            used to determine whether to overwrite existing environment
            variables in the namespace with the same key. If the overwrite
            parameter is set to ``True``, as a side effect, the environment
            variables loading order priority will be reversed.
            Defaults to ``False``.

        The environment variables will be loaded with the following
        order priority (from highest to lowest):
        - The os environment variables
        - The environment ``.env.{mode}`` specific mode file
        - The environment ``.env`` common file
        - The default environment files provided in the constructor
        - The default environment variables provided in the constructor


clear() -> None

Clear the environment namespace from all environment variables.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def clear(self) -> None:
    """Clear the environment namespace from all environment variables."""


    mode: str | None = None,
    files: list[str] | None = None,
    variables: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
    encoding: str | None = "utf-8",
    overwrite: bool = False,
    reset: bool = False,
) -> None

Load the environment variables.


Name Type Description Default
mode str | None

The environment mode. If the mode is not provided, the environment mode will be loaded with the value of the PLATEFORME_ENV environment variable, or development if it is not set.

files list[str] | None

The default environment files to load. The files will be loaded in the order they are provided, from lowest to highest priority. Defaults to None.

variables dict[str, str | None] | None

The default environment variables to load. Defaults to None.

encoding str | None

The encoding of the environment files to load. Defaults to utf-8.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in the namespace with the same key. The overwrite parameter is used to determine whether to overwrite existing environment variables in the namespace with the same key. If the overwrite parameter is set to True, as a side effect, the environment variables loading order priority will be reversed. Defaults to False.

reset bool

Whether to clear the environment namespace before loading the environment variables. Defaults to False.


The environment variables will be loaded with the following order priority (from highest to lowest): - The os environment variables - The environment .env.{mode} specific mode file - The environment .env common file - The default environment files provided in the constructor - The default environment variables provided in the constructor

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def load(
    mode: str | None = None,
    files: list[str] | None = None,
    variables: dict[str, str | None] | None = None,
    encoding: str | None = 'utf-8',
    overwrite: bool = False,
    reset: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Load the environment variables.

        mode: The environment mode. If the mode is not provided, the
            environment mode will be loaded with the value of the
            ``PLATEFORME_ENV`` environment variable, or ``development`` if
            it is not set.
        files: The default environment files to load. The files will be
            loaded in the order they are provided, from lowest to highest
            priority. Defaults to ``None``.
        variables: The default environment variables to load.
            Defaults to ``None``.
        encoding: The encoding of the environment files to load. Defaults
            to ``utf-8``.
        overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in
            the namespace with the same key. The overwrite parameter is
            used to determine whether to overwrite existing environment
            variables in the namespace with the same key. If the overwrite
            parameter is set to ``True``, as a side effect, the environment
            variables loading order priority will be reversed.
            Defaults to ``False``.
        reset: Whether to clear the environment namespace before loading
            the environment variables. Defaults to ``False``.

        The environment variables will be loaded with the following
        order priority (from highest to lowest):
        - The os environment variables
        - The environment ``.env.{mode}`` specific mode file
        - The environment ``.env`` common file
        - The default environment files provided in the constructor
        - The default environment variables provided in the constructor
    files = files or []
    variables = variables or {}

    # Clear the environment namespace if reset is True
    if reset:

    # Retrieve the environment mode
    env_mode = mode if mode else os.getenv('PLATEFORME_ENV', 'development')

    # Retrieve the common and mode environment files
    env_files: list[str] = ['.env']
    if env_mode in ('dev', 'development'):
        env_mode = 'development'
        env_files.extend(['', '.env.development'])
    elif env_mode in ('prod', 'production'):
        env_mode = 'production'
        env_files.extend(['', '.env.production'])

    # Initialize the environment namespace
    self.load_from_files(env_files, encoding, overwrite)
    self.load_from_files(files, encoding, overwrite, raise_errors=True)
    self.load_from_variables(variables, overwrite)
    self.load_from_variables(dict(PLATEFORME_ENV=env_mode), overwrite=True)


    key: str,
    _guard: frozenset[str] = frozenset(),
    default: Any = Undefined,
    parse_default: bool = False,
    cast: CastObject | None = None,
) -> Any

Get an environment variable.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

_guard frozenset[str]

The environment guard set to avoid circular references when resolving accessed variables. Defaults to an empty set.

default Any

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

parse_default bool

Whether to parse the default value with the environment variable cast object. Defaults to False.

cast CastObject | None

The environment variable cast object. Defaults to None (no cast process).


If the environment variable is not found and no default value is provided, a KeyError will be raised, else the defaultvalue will be returned. If the environment variable is found but no cast object is provided, the environment variable value will be returned as a string.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def get_variable(
    key: str,
    _guard: frozenset[str] = frozenset(),
    default: Any = Undefined,
    parse_default: bool = False,
    cast: CastObject | None = None,
) -> Any:
    """Get an environment variable.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        _guard: The environment guard set to avoid circular references
            when resolving accessed variables. Defaults to an empty set.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
        parse_default: Whether to parse the default value with the
            environment variable cast object. Defaults to ``False``.
        cast: The environment variable cast object.
            Defaults to ``None`` (no cast process).

        If the environment variable is not found and no default value is
        provided, a `KeyError` will be raised, else the defaultvalue will
        be returned. If the environment variable is found but no cast
        object is provided, the environment variable value will be returned
        as a string.
    # Check if the key is valid
    self.check_key(key, raise_errors=True)

    # Retrieve environment variable
    if key not in self.namespace:
        if default is Undefined:
            raise KeyError(
                f"Invalid environment variable, {key!r} is not found in "
                f"the environment variables. To avoid this error, you can "
                f"use the environment `get` method and provide a "
                f"`default` value."
        value = default
        value = self.namespace[key]

    # Resolve proxies
    def _resolve_proxy(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
        prefix =
        suffix ='{}')
        if prefix == '\\':
            # Proxy is escaped
            return f'${suffix}'
        if self.check_key(suffix):
            # Proxy variable name is valid
            if suffix in _guard:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Recursion error while resolving proxy variable "
                    f"{!r} found in environment variable "
            return str(self.get_variable(suffix, _guard | {key}))
            # Proxy variable name is invalid
            raise KeyError(
                f"Invalid proxy variable name {!r} found in "
                f"environment variable {key!r}."
    # For each match of the dollar sign "$" in the retrieved value, check
    # the prefix and suffix string to resolve either to a proxy variable or
    # an escaped dollar sign.
    if isinstance(value, str):
        value = re.sub(r'(\\?)\$(\{.*\}|\w*)', _resolve_proxy, value)
    # Handle empty value
    value = None if value == '' and default is None else value

    # Retrieve cast from default value if not provided
    if cast is None and default:
        cast = type(default)
    # Parse value
    if value != default or (parse_default and value is not None):
        value = self.parse(value, cast)

    return value


set_variable(key: str, value: str) -> None

Set an environment variable.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to set.

value str

The environment variable value to set.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def set_variable(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
    """Set an environment variable.

        key: The environment variable key to set.
        value: The environment variable value to set.
    # Check if the key is valid
    self.check_key(key, raise_errors=True)
    # Set the environment variable
    self.namespace[key] = value


set_default(key: str, default: str) -> str

Set an environment variable if it is not already set.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to set.

default str

The environment variable default value to set.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def set_default(self, key: str, default: str) -> str:
    """Set an environment variable if it is not already set.

        key: The environment variable key to set.
        default: The environment variable default value to set.
    # Check if the key is valid
    self.check_key(key, raise_errors=True)
    # Set the environment variable if it is not already set
    return self.namespace.setdefault(key, default)


delete_variable(key: str) -> None

Delete an environment variable.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to delete.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def delete_variable(self, key: str) -> None:
    """Delete an environment variable.

        key: The environment variable key to delete.
    # Check if the key is valid
    self.check_key(key, raise_errors=True)
    # Delete the environment variable
    del self.namespace[key]


    variables: dict[str, str | None],
    overwrite: bool = False,
) -> None

Load environment variables from an environment dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
variables dict[str, str | None]

The environment variables to load into the namespace.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in the namespace with the same key. Defaults to False.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def load_from_variables(
    variables: dict[str, str | None],
    overwrite: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Load environment variables from an environment dictionary.

        variables: The environment variables to load into the namespace.
        overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in
            the namespace with the same key. Defaults to ``False``.
        key: str(value)
        for key, value in variables.items()
        if (self.check_key(key, raise_errors=True)
            and value is not None
            and (overwrite or key not in self.namespace))


    files: list[str],
    encoding: str | None = "utf-8",
    overwrite: bool = False,
    raise_errors: bool = False,
) -> None

Load environment variables from multiple environment files.


Name Type Description Default
files list[str]

The environment files path to load into the namespace.

encoding str | None

The encoding of the environment files to load. Defaults to utf-8.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in the namespace with the same key. Defaults to False.

raise_errors bool

Whether to raise an error if a file is not found. Defaults to False.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def load_from_files(
    files: list[str],
    encoding: str | None = 'utf-8',
    overwrite: bool = False,
    raise_errors: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Load environment variables from multiple environment files.

        files: The environment files path to load into the namespace.
        encoding: The encoding of the environment files to load. Defaults
            to ``utf-8``.
        overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing environment variables in
            the namespace with the same key. Defaults to ``False``.
        raise_errors: Whether to raise an error if a file is not found.
            Defaults to ``False``.
    for file in files:
        if file and os.path.isfile(file):
                dotenv_values(file, encoding=encoding),
        elif raise_errors:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid environment file path, {file!r} is not found."

check_key classmethod

check_key(key: str, /, raise_errors: bool = False) -> bool

Check if an environment variable key is valid.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to check.

raise_errors bool

Whether to raise an error if the key is invalid. Defaults to False.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def check_key(cls, key: str, /, raise_errors: bool = False) -> bool:
    """Check if an environment variable key is valid.

        key: The environment variable key to check.
        raise_errors: Whether to raise an error if the key is invalid.
            Defaults to ``False``.
    # Check if the key is a valid environment variable name
    check = re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_][\w\(\)]*$', key) is not None
    # Raise an error or return
    if raise_errors and not check:
        raise KeyError(
            f"Invalid environment variable name {key!r}. The environment "
            f"variable name must match the regular expression "
    return check

parse classmethod

parse(value: str, cast: CastObject | None = None) -> Any

Parse a string value with the provided cast object.


Name Type Description Default
value str

The value to parse.

cast CastObject | None

The cast object. Defaults to None (no cast process).


If no cast object is provided, the value will be returned as is. Otherwise, the value will be casted using the cast object if it a function, else the cast object will be analyzed as an iterable instance. The value will be split using the comma separator and each resulting value will be casted using the cast function provided by the first element of the iterable cast object.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def parse(
    value: str,
    cast: CastObject | None = None,
) -> Any:
    """Parse a string value with the provided cast object.

        value: The value to parse.
        cast: The cast object. Defaults to ``None`` (no cast process).

        If no cast object is provided, the value will be returned as is.
        Otherwise, the value will be casted using the cast object if it a
        function, else the cast object will be analyzed as an iterable
        instance. The value will be split using the comma separator and
        each resulting value will be casted using the cast function
        provided by the first element of the iterable cast object.
    # Return value if no cast object is provided
    if cast is None:
        return value

    # Instance of dictionary cast functions
    if isinstance(cast, dict):
        values = value.split(',')
        cast_key = cast.get('key', str)
        cast_value = cast.get('value', str)
        cast_value_by_key = cast.get('cast', {})
        return dict(map(
            lambda kv: (
                    cast_value_by_key.get(kv[0], cast_value)
            [v.split('=') for v in values if v]
    # Instance of list cast functions
    if isinstance(cast, list):
        values = value.split(',')
        return list(map(cast[0], [v for v in values if v]))
    # Instance of set cast functions
    if isinstance(cast, set):
        values = value.strip('{}').split(',')
        return set(map(next(iter(cast)), [v for v in values if v]))
    # Instance of tuple cast functions
    if isinstance(cast, tuple):
        values = value.strip('()').split(',')
        return tuple(map(cast[0], [v for v in values if v]))

    # Boolean cast function
    if cast is bool:
            return int(value) != 0
        except ValueError:
            return value.lower() in {'true', 'ok', 'on', 'y', 'yes', '1'}
    # Float cast function
    if cast is float:
        # Clean and split string value to avoid thousand separator and
        # different locale comma/dot symbol.
        value = re.sub(r'[^\d,.-]', '', value)
        parts = re.split(r'[,.]', value)
        if len(parts) == 1:
            value = parts[0]
            value = '{}.{}'.format(''.join(parts[0:-1]), parts[-1])
        return float(value)
    # Dictionary cast function
    if cast is dict:
        values = value.split(',')
        return dict([v.split('=', 1) for v in values if v])
    # List cast function
    if cast is list:
        values = value.split(',')
        return [v for v in values if v]
    # Set cast function
    if cast is set:
        values = value.strip('{}').split(',')
        return {v for v in values if v}
    # Tuple cast function
    if cast is tuple:
        values = value.strip('()').split(',')
        return tuple([v for v in values if v])

    # Use cast as a function if it is callable
    if callable(cast):
        return cast(value)

    # If no specific cast object is matched and the cast object is not a
    # callable, raise a TypeError.
    raise TypeError(
        f"Invalid cast object {cast!r} provided. The cast object does "
        f"not match any specific cast process. Consider providing a "
        f"specific cast object."


    key: str,
    default: bool | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> bool

Get an environment variable as a boolean.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default bool | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_bool(
    key: str,
    default: bool | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> bool:
    """Get an environment variable as a boolean.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
    value = self.get_variable(key, default=default, cast=bool)
    return typing.cast(bool, value)


    key: str,
    default: bytes | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    encoding: str = "utf-8",
) -> bytes

Get an environment variable as bytes.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default bytes | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

encoding str

The encoding of the bytes string. Defaults to utf-8.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_bytes(
    key: str,
    default: bytes | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    encoding: str = 'utf-8',
) -> bytes:
    """Get an environment variable as bytes.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
        encoding: The encoding of the bytes string. Defaults to ``utf-8``.
    value = self.get_variable(key, default=default)
    return typing.cast(str, value).encode(encoding)


    key: str,
    default: dict[Any, Any]
    | None
    | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> dict[Any, Any]

Get an environment variable as a dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default dict[Any, Any] | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

cast CastFunc | None

The environment variable cast function. Defaults to None (no cast process).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_dict(
    key: str,
    default: dict[Any, Any] | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> dict[Any, Any]:
    """Get an environment variable as a dictionary.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
        cast: The environment variable cast function.
            Defaults to ``None`` (no cast process).
    value = self.get_variable(
        cast=dict if not cast else dict(value=cast),
    return typing.cast(dict[Any, Any], value)


    key: str,
    default: float | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> float

Get an environment variable as a float.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default float | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_float(
    key: str,
    default: float | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> float:
    """Get an environment variable as a float.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
    value = self.get_variable(key, default=default, cast=float)
    return typing.cast(float, value)


    key: str,
    default: int | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> int

Get an environment variable as an integer.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default int | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_int(
    key: str,
    default: int | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> int:
    """Get an environment variable as an integer.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
    value = self.get_variable(key, default=default, cast=int)
    return typing.cast(int, value)


as_json(key: str, /, default: Any = Undefined) -> Any

Get an environment variable as a boolean.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default Any

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_json(
    key: str,
    default: Any = Undefined,
) -> Any:
    """Get an environment variable as a boolean.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
    return self.get_variable(key, default=default, cast=json.loads)


    key: str,
    default: list[Any] | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> list[Any]

Get an environment variable as a list.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default list[Any] | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

cast CastFunc | None

The environment variable cast function. Defaults to None (no cast process).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_list(
    key: str,
    default: list[Any] | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> list[Any]:
    """Get an environment variable as a list.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
        cast: The environment variable cast function.
            Defaults to ``None`` (no cast process).
    value = self.get_variable(
        cast=list if not cast else [cast],
    return typing.cast(list[Any], value)


    key: str,
    default: set[Any] | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> set[Any]

Get an environment variable as a set.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default set[Any] | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

cast CastFunc | None

The environment variable cast function. Defaults to None (no cast process).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_set(
    key: str,
    default: set[Any] | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> set[Any]:
    """Get an environment variable as a set.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
        cast: The environment variable cast function.
            Defaults to ``None`` (no cast process).
    value = self.get_variable(
        cast=set if not cast else {cast},
    return typing.cast(set[Any], value)


    key: str,
    default: str | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    multiline: bool = False,
) -> str | None

Get an environment variable as a string.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default str | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

multiline bool

Whether to return the string as a multiline string. If the multiline parameter is set to True, the string will be returned with the new line and carriage return characters replaced by the corresponding escape sequences. Defaults to False.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_str(
    key: str,
    default: str | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    multiline: bool = False,
) -> str | None:
    """Get an environment variable as a string.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
        multiline: Whether to return the string as a multiline string. If
            the multiline parameter is set to ``True``, the string will be
            returned with the new line and carriage return characters
            replaced by the corresponding escape sequences.
            Defaults to ``False``.
    value = self.get_variable(key, default=default)
    if multiline:
        return re.sub(r'(\\r)?\\n', r'\n', value)
    return typing.cast(str | None, value)


    key: str,
    default: tuple[Any, ...]
    | None
    | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> tuple[Any, ...]

Get an environment variable as a tuple.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default tuple[Any, ...] | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

cast CastFunc | None

The environment variable cast function. Defaults to None (no cast process).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_tuple(
    key: str,
    default: tuple[Any, ...] | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
    cast: CastFunc | None = None,
) -> tuple[Any, ...]:
    """Get an environment variable as a tuple.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
        cast: The environment variable cast function.
            Defaults to ``None`` (no cast process).
    value = self.get_variable(
        cast=tuple if not cast else (cast,),
    return typing.cast(tuple[Any, ...], value)


    key: str,
    default: ParseResult | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> ParseResult

Get an environment variable as a URL.


Name Type Description Default
key str

The environment variable key to get.

default ParseResult | None | UndefinedType

The environment variable default value. Defaults to Undefined (no default value).

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def as_url(
    key: str,
    default: ParseResult | None | UndefinedType = Undefined,
) -> ParseResult:
    """Get an environment variable as a URL.

        key: The environment variable key to get.
        default: The environment variable default value.
            Defaults to ``Undefined`` (no default value).
    value = self.get_variable(
    return typing.cast(ParseResult, value)