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This module provides utilities to represent and manage associations between resources in the Plateforme framework.


Association(*links: ResourceFieldInfo)

Bases: Representation

Represents the association between two resources.

This class is used to define how two resources are linked to each other, typically in a database or a similar structured data format. It captures the definition of the association, including its alias, the linked fields, and, if applicable, the association table for many-to-many associations.


Name Type Description

The alias name of the association. It must adhere to a specific ALIAS pattern as defined in the framework's regular expressions repository. Defaults to the concatenated aliases of the two linked resources based on links sorting order.


A tuple containing one or two linked resource fields instances. These linked fields define the association, they are sorted based on three criteria: - many: The "one" side of the association is placed first; - rel_attribute: The link implementing the association relationship attribute in a one-to-one scenario is placed first; - owner.__qualname__: Linked fields are sorted alphabetically based on the fully qualified name of the resource owner. This ensures a consistent and predictable order of linked fields and their implementation in the database.


A set containing the Package classes that contain the linked resources. This attribute is used to manage the association and ensure that it is added to the correct package objects namespace.

table Table | None

The SQLAlchemy Table object representing the association table. This attribute is only relevant and required for many-to-many associations. It links the two resources through an intermediate table. For other types of associations, this should be set to None.

Initialize the association.

It creates an association of one or two linked fields using either the association_alias attribute if specified or by joining with an underscore the sorted linked fields by their owner resource fully qualified name. The association is added to their relative package objects dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
links ResourceFieldInfo

The linked resource fields that define the association.


For scenarios where an association table is required, the sorted first linked field package is considered the "owner" of the association, i.e. the table is created within the package metadata of the first linked field. This is a design choice to ensure a consistent and predictable order of linked fields and their implementation in the database.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def __init__(self, *links: 'ResourceFieldInfo') -> None:
    """Initialize the association.

    It creates an association of one or two linked fields using either the
    `association_alias` attribute if specified or by joining with an
    underscore the sorted linked fields by their owner resource fully
    qualified name. The association is added to their relative package
    objects dictionary.

        links: The linked resource fields that define the association.

        For scenarios where an association table is required, the sorted
        first linked field package is considered the "owner" of the
        association, i.e. the table is created within the package metadata
        of the first linked field. This is a design choice to ensure a
        consistent and predictable order of linked fields and their
        implementation in the database.
    # Validate linked fields length
    if 1 < len(links) > 2:
        raise PlateformeError(
            f"Invalid number of associated linked fields. An association "
            f"must have one or two linked fields. Got {len(links)} linked "
            f"fields: {', '.join(map(str, links))}.",

    # Initialize links and alias
    self.links = _sort_links(*links)
    self.alias = self.links[0].association_alias or '%s_%s' % (
        self.links[0].target.resource_config.alias,  # type: ignore

    # Handle backref definition
    if len(self.links) == 1 and self.links[0].rel_backref is not None:
        backref = self.links[0]._from_field_info_backref(self.links[0])
        self.links += (backref,)

    # Initialize packages and add association to catalogs
    packages = [link.owner.resource_package for link in self.links]
    self.packages = tuple(dict.fromkeys(packages))
    for package in self.packages:
            package.catalog._add(self, alias=self.alias, slug=self.slug)
        except KeyError as error:
            raise PlateformeError(
                f"Invalid duplicate catalog entry for resource "
                f"association {self.alias!r} in the package "
            ) from error

    # Initialize table
    self.table: Table | None = None

    # Validate linked fields configuration
    if len(self.links) == 2 and (
        self.links[0].owner != self.links[1].target or
        self.links[0].target != self.links[1].owner or
        self.links[0].association_alias != self.links[1].association_alias
        raise PlateformeError(
            f"Associated linked fields must be related to each other, "
            f"i.e., the owner of the first linked field must be the "
            f"target of the second linked field and vice versa, and they "
            f"must have the same association alias. "
            f"Got: {', '.join(map(str, links))}.",

    # Finalize association initialization
    for link_a, link_b in zip(self.links, reversed(self.links)):
        if len(self.links) == 1:
        link_a._default(rel_backref=link_b)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        if link_a.rel_backref is link_b:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid association implementation for {self.alias!r} "
            f"between resource {link_a.owner.__qualname__!r} and resource "
            f"{link_b.owner.__qualname__!r}. An invalid back reference "
            f"was set for the association linked fields.",

slug property

slug: str

Return the slug representation of the association.


build() -> None

Build the association between resources.

This process handles all types of associations such as many-to-unknown, many-to-many, one-to-unknown, one-to-many, many-to-one, and one-to-one. It performs the necessary logic to establish these associations, which may involve creating an association tables, foreign key columns, and validating resource indexes and association configurations.


This method is an internal function and should not be called directly outside of class context.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def build(self) -> None:
    """Build the association between resources.

    This process handles all types of associations such as many-to-unknown,
    many-to-many, one-to-unknown, one-to-many, many-to-one, and one-to-one.
    It performs the necessary logic to establish these associations, which
    may involve creating an association tables, foreign key columns, and
    validating resource indexes and association configurations.

        This method is an internal function and should not be called
        directly outside of class context.
    # Retrieve association owner to handle different logics
    package = self.packages[0]
    owner_link = self.links[0]
    owner: ResourceType = owner_link.owner

    # Retrieve association target to handle different logics
    target_link: ResourceFieldInfo | None
    if len(self.links) == 2:
        target_link = self.links[1]
    elif owner_link.rel_backref is not None:
        target_link = owner_link.rel_backref
        target_link = None
    target: ResourceType =  # type: ignore

    # Store association columns for relationship configuration
    columns: list[Column[Any]] = []

    # For many-to-many and many-to-unknown associations, an association
    # table is required. If neither side has a foreign key column
    # ("rel_attribute" is "None" for both), an association table is created
    # to manage this association, else an error is raised.
    if all(link.collection for link in self.links):
        if any(link.rel_attribute is not None for link in self.links):
            raise PlateformeError(
                f"Invalid association implementation for {self.alias!r} "
                f"between resource {owner.__qualname__!r} and resource "
                f"{target.__qualname__!r} in the package "
                f"{!r}. A many-to-many or many-to-unknown "
                f"association requires that both sides have no "
                f"relationship attribute defined.",

        # Create association columns
        for resource, link in \
                zip((owner, target), (owner_link, target_link)):
            if link is not None:
                unique = link.collection == 'set'
                col_extra = {**(link.column_extra or {})}
                key_extra = col_extra.pop('foreign_key', {})
                unique = None
                col_extra = {}
                key_extra = {}

                    '%s_id' % resource.resource_config.alias,

        # Create association table
        self.table = Table(
            info={'type': 'link'},

    # For one-to-unknown, one-to-many, many-to-one, or one-to-one
    # association, only one of the "one" side resource requires a foreign
    # key column. If not explicitly set ("rel_attribute" is "None"), the
    # default name is assigned, which is the alias of the linked field
    # suffixed with "_id". A foreign key column with this name is then
    # created in the determined "one" side resource.
        if target_link and target_link.rel_attribute is not None:
            raise PlateformeError(
                f"Invalid association implementation for {self.alias!r} "
                f"between resource {owner.__qualname__!r} and resource "
                f"{target.__qualname__!r} in the package "
                f"{!r}. A one-to-unknown, one-to-many, "
                f"many-to-one, or one-to-one association requires that "
                f"only one of the `one` side resource has an association "
                f"attribute defined.",

        # Retrieve association relationship attribute
        rel_attribute = owner_link.rel_attribute \
            or '%s_id' % owner_link.alias
        if hasattr(owner, rel_attribute):
            raise PlateformeError(
                f"Invalid association implementation for {self.alias!r} "
                f"between resource {owner.__qualname__!r} and resource "
                f"{target.__qualname__!r} in the package "
                f"{!r}. The `one` side resource already has "
                f"an attribute with the same name {rel_attribute!r} than "
                f"the relationship attribute.",

        # Create association columns
        col_extra = {**(owner_link.column_extra or {})}
        key_extra = col_extra.pop('foreign_key', {})

                index=owner_link.indexed or False,
                unique=owner_link.unique or False,

        # Update owner association relationship attribute
        # Add association relationship column to owner resource
        setattr(owner, rel_attribute, columns[0])

    # Validate resource link implementation and associated indexes
    # configuration. If the link is implemented in the resource, the
    # indexes can contain the link implementation field. Else, the indexes
    # must not contain the link implementation field.
    for link in self.links:
        # Validate link implementation
        if (link.indexed or link.unique) \
                and not link.rel_attribute \
                and link is not owner_link:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Invalid linked field {link.alias!r} for resource "
                f"{link.owner.__qualname__!r} in the package "
                f"{!r}. The linked field cannot be indexed or "
                f"unique as the association {self.alias!r} is not "
                f"implemented in this resource."

        # Validate indexes configuration
        for index in link.owner.resource_config.indexes:
            if link.alias in index['aliases'] \
                    and not link.rel_attribute \
                    and link is not owner_link:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"Invalid index for resource "
                    f"{link.owner.__qualname__!r} in the package "
                    f"{!r}. The index cannot contain the "
                    f"linked field `{link.alias}` as the association "
                    f"{self.alias!r} is not implemented in this resource."

    # Schedule association relationships building
    for count, (link_a, link_b) in enumerate(
        zip((owner_link, target_link), (target_link, owner_link))
        # Skip if no link is provided
        if link_a is None:

        # Resolve foreign keys configuration
        if self.table is None:
            foreign_keys = columns[count:]
            foreign_keys = [columns[count], columns[1 - count]]

        # Schedule relationship building
        args = (link_a, link_b, self.table, *foreign_keys)
            Action(_build_relationship, args=args),


This module provides utilities for managing catalogs of resources along with their associations, and services used within the Plateforme framework.

CatalogObject module-attribute

CatalogObject: TypeAlias = (
    "ResourceType | Association | Callable[..., Any]"

A type alias for an alias object that can be either a resource type, an association, or a service method.

WeakCatalogMap module-attribute

A weak dictionary mapping an alias or a slug key to the object, either a resource type, an association, or a service method within a catalog.

WeakCatalogSet module-attribute

WeakCatalogSet = WeakSet[CatalogObject]

A weak set of objects, either a resource type, an association, or a service method within a catalog.


Catalog(owner: Any)

Bases: Iterable[CatalogObject]

A catalog of resources, associations, and services.


Name Type Description

The owner of the catalog.

objects WeakCatalogSet

A weak set of objects, either a resource type, an association, or a service method within the catalog.

aliases WeakCatalogMap

A weak dictionary mapping an alias key to the object instance, either a resource type, an association, or a service method within the catalog.

slugs WeakCatalogMap

A weak dictionary mapping a slug key to the object instance, either a resource type, an association, or a service method within the catalog.

Initialize the catalog.


Name Type Description Default
owner Any

The owner of the catalog.

Source code in .venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/plateforme/core/
def __init__(self, owner: Any) -> None:
    """Initialize the catalog.

        owner: The owner of the catalog.
    self.owner = owner
    self.objects: WeakCatalogSet = WeakSet()
    self.aliases: WeakCatalogMap = WeakValueDictionary()
    self.slugs: WeakCatalogMap = WeakValueDictionary()